You deserve respectful care, free of weight stigma. I have heard countless stories of weight discrimination perpetuated by medical professionals. No one, not even medical professionals, is free of bias. There is something we can do to advocate for ourselves. We can be...
Day #1 In January on my social media platforms, I ran a 6 day intuitive eating myth busting project. The research on weight bullying fueled the project! I am an advocate for intuitive eating and trusting your body because these approaches actually promote healing and...
Growing-up in a culture, and a family, that consistently confirmed that fat was bad and unlovable, I had a huge disconnect for many years. To the young and innocent me, fat was good, because logically I loved people who were good and also were fat. As a little girl...
Nourished Energy is a weight inclusive practice. This means I do not focus on weight, loss or gain, as an indicator of worth and welcome all sized bodies, especially those at the higher end of the weight spectrum. I have an ethical issue with products and services...
There is a story going around. It is a new spin on the “magic pill” so many are longing for, the one that gives lasting weight loss. Except in this story there is no actual pill, diet, or exercise routine. In this tale, the ultimate answer is that if we solve our...
When you embark on parenthood, there is something those with parenting advice fail to mention, or at least no one told me: the past is not behind you. Your own childhood will not be a far off memory. Becoming a parent might allow us to believe our past has nothing to...