You deserve respectful care, free of weight stigma.
I have heard countless stories of weight discrimination perpetuated by medical professionals. No one, not even medical professionals, is free of bias. There is something we can do to advocate for ourselves. We can be upfront about our care and what we need to feel safest. I have created Collaborative Care Stipulations, a checklist to print off and bring to your next appointment with any provider you see fit. Here is an overview of it below and under that you can download a printable PDF for your own use.
Collaborative Care Stipulations
Please recognize that:
- I am in recovery from disordered eating.
- I am in recovery from an eating disorder.
- I am in recovery from trauma related to body shame and/or weight discrimination.
I will NOT:
- Be weighed unless absolutely necessary.
- Discuss weight loss or restrictive dieting.
- Agree to any discussions around BMI.
I will:
- Collaborate and engage in my care.
- Discuss my recovery which includes Health at Every Size® and Intuitive Eating Principles.
- Submit to a blind weight as medically necessary (i.e.: in service of calculating medication dosage). Please ensure that weight is not written on forms I am given.
- Offer a Release of Information to speak with other care providers, as necessary.
- Accept care recommendations that are given to ANY size body (i.e.: will not accept recommendations to lose weight or pursue bariatric surgery).
- Provide a copy of my most recent lab results and/or agree to further testing if needed.
- Speak about food, as relates to the purpose of my visit (i.e.: allergy test).
- Discuss my exercise/fitness/physical movement practices as relevant.
Again, you deserve respectful care, free of weight stigma.
Download Free PDF
Jennifer DiGennaro MA, LPC, is a psychotherapist and couples counselor in private practice in Grand Rapids, MI. She is a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, Certified Body Trust® Provider and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, as well as the founder of Nourished Energy. She specializes in treating chronic dieting, binge eating disorder, body image concerns, trauma, PTSD, mood disorders and relationship issues. She brings a deep passion for social justice to her trauma-informed, evidence-based and heart-centered clinical work. She is committed to ending the war that is waged against bodies in our culture. Learn more at: