come in to your wholeness
Help for Chronic Stress, Panic, Overwhelm, Chronic Pain, Obsession, Depression, Phobias, Anxiety, Trauma, PTSD
Is life is feeling unbearable, difficult or confusing in some way?
It takes bravery, and also a tiny spark of hope, to start looking for help.
I am glad you are here.
Do one or more of these sound like what you are experiencing?
- • Reduced ability to deal with everyday life stressors
- • A sense of disconnection
- • An inability to really feel close to others most of the time
- • Panic or anxiety attacks
- • Feeling addicted…to your phone, social media, substances, people
- • Chronic sleeplessness and/or nightmares
- • Overwhelming worry and fear
• Depression and/or feelings of emotional numbness
• Feeling alone
• Micro-managing details to the point of feeling exhausted
• An exaggerated startle response
• A pervasive feeling of impending doom
• An unrelenting drive for perfection, while never feeling good enough
• Thoughts or memories popping in your head randomly and intrusively
• Migraines or persistent body tensions
• Body pains that can’t be diagnosed
• Compulsive acting out
• Looping life patterns that have not been resolved with previous talk therapy
• Rarely feeling at peace even with taking mindfulness classes, listening to relaxation meditations, and practicing deep breathing
All of these symptoms can be the result of unresolved life events or repetative, challenging circumstances.

Things that weren’t supposed to happen,
but did…

Things that were supposed to happen,
but didn’t…
Unresolved experiences can be shocking events:
• physical or emotional violence
• rape or sexual assault
• witnessing physical or emotional violence
• accidents, surgeries, falls or injuries
• tragic or sudden loss of loved ones
• tending to the seriously injured or witnessing sudden death
Unresolved experiences can be repetitive, difficult circumstances from your past:
• not being able to depend on your parents or caregivers on a regular basis
• being shamed for your emotions or yelled at often
• being physically abused or witnessing violence
• being sexually abused
• living with family members or caregivers with addiction or mental illness
• being bullied or discriminated against
anything that has happened in your entire life, that you have not fully worked through, can be part of what is causing you issues in your life now.
Sometimes people logically push things away or convince themselves that they were “not a big deal”, so some of these events, or experiences, might not be clear to you right now.
Or maybe you do remember and believe you have dealt with it because you have talked about it or cried about it…sometimes there is more to be done.
We will work together to uncover the sources of your suffering, slowly and with intention.
“It needed to be hatched out patiently and the unfolding of the wings should be a gradual process in the sun.”
Nikos Kazantzakis in reference to the hatching of a butterfly

Together we will explore what is going on in your unique situation, and carefully work through it in a new way.
We will unpack your past, address your present and envision a future of more freedom and less suffering.
I would be honored to work with you and grow that tiny spark of hope that brought you here into a flame.
Learn more about my approach to Individual Psychotherapy.

“Jen has so much passion and enthusiasm for what she does–you can see and feel it in the way she speaks about mental health. In finding her own well-being, she strives and lives to help others find the same emotional freedom.”
Rachael Steil Speaker, Advocate & Author
Reach Me
Jennifer DiGennaro MA LPC 1324 Lake Drive Suite 8 Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506
Tel: 616.446.6728